Can Lithium Powered Forklifts Save You Money?

Most if not all Forklift Dealerships will tell that upgrading your forklifts to lithium ion will more than pay for itself within just the next few years but with a massive upfront cost. In some cases, the heightened outright cost of a lithium forklift truck means many businesses cannot even justify the switch. However, with @EP EQUIPMENT you’ll notice the savings almost immediately. We believe it is our duty to pioneer a sustainable change in the material handling industry. The only way to achieve operational sustainability is by making energy efficient vehicles & equipment financially available to all, that’s why we offer lithium power at the a similar price point as gas, diesel & lead-acid.

But, what other ways can lithium powered forklift trucks save you money?


Avoid fuels costs & fuel taxation:

The UK Government announced in August 2020 that it would remove red diesel from all sectors from 1st April 2022 with the exception of Agriculture & horticulture. All commercial industrial businesses will be forced to pay the pump prices for white diesel, which could be well over 200% more than existing fuel costs. Lithium forklift trucks are entirely fuel free, which means avoiding fossil fuel price increases all together.

Zero battery maintenance:

Forklifts are an essential tool that help keep our supply chains operating smoothly. Ideally, with as little downtime as possible. When we think of battery maintenance for lead-acid batteries, it’s complex, inefficient & time wasting. Lack of battery topping & over charging is the largest cause of early failure of lead acid batteries, cases of under topping & overtopping can hugely diminish the performance of the battery as well as wasting time on maintenance that could be used to improve productivity.

Savings from zero battery maintenance

  • Improved productivity, less downtime.
  • Less time is lost replacing lead-acid batteries.
  • Less time is wasted switching out lead-acid batteries.
  • Eliminate distilled water costs.
  • No battery topping required.
  • Lead-acid batteries can easily fail with poor maintenance regime.


Longer Battery Lifespan:

Longer lifespan Lithium-ion batteries generally last for several times the number of cycles as lead acid batteries, leading to a longer effective lifespan for lithium-ion products. Offering 3-4 times longer lifespan than Lead-acid, this saves you from unwanted replacement costs in the future.

Opportunity charging:

Opportunity charging: While lead acid batteries always need a full charge cycle of 8-12 hours to keep the batteries chemistry in balance, Li-Ion batteries really like opportunity charging. They can be plugged in for 20 minutes and get 20 minutes (up to 10%) with 80% charge in as little as 2 hours. This means operators can plug in the equipment on lunch & tea breaks, significantly reducing operational downtime.

Fast charging:

 Higher efficiency batteries charge faster, improved efficiency comes from the heightened battery capacity. Lithium batteries can take as little as s 2-3 hours to charge while lead-acid needs 8-12 hours. Lithium batteries high effective capacity reduces downtime in warehouse duties.

Safer Work Environment:  

Being emissions free offers huge savings in the long term. Improved indoor air quality is a major benefit which ultimately reduces the chance of ill health from noxious gases, as well as the risk of accidents by eliminating workers exposure to flammable fuels and battery acid. Lithium electric also benefits from quiet operation with low decibel sound levels, allowing for clearer communication and ultimately avoiding accidents.


Less forklift trucks:

We often find, businesses running lead-acid forklift trucks have extra trucks on site to handle sudden heightened usage demand, as charging is often a long and timely process. Thanks to super-fast charging capabilities from lithium-ion, we can perform a utilisation report and determine whether the need for an additional forktruck (s) is necessary at all.

Fewer moving parts:

With fewer moving parts, these li-on forklift trucks have minimal maintenance requirements which reduces costs, saves time & omits the need for specialist maintenance training. This also lessens the chance of breakdowns which ultimately minimises downtime too.



We understand…

It is necessary for every business to maintain economic prosperity. However, we can all agree it is not a justified excuse to generate unwarranted emissions. Fortunately, we’ve made Lithium powered forklift truck & material handling equipment accessible and affordable for all businesses because sustainability is for everyone, not just for those who can afford it. To make the switch even easier, we offer a variety of affordable payment solutions.

What if I’m using lead-acid forklift trucks?

Lithium electric forklift trucks can save you 30% on your electricity costs with more energy efficient charging compared to lead-acid. Save significant costs as distilled water is no longer required with lithium power. Further time savings gained as the manpower required for the complex maintenance of lead acid charging isn’t required with Lithium.  

Why not visit or call 01924265623 today and find out how much you can save?